Ways to Stay Involved



Volunteering in your community is a fun and easy way to continue your civic engagement past Election Day. Many of the issues that we want to see addressed in our community are being reckoned with by local organizations like Kinston Teens or similar nonprofits. Click here to sign up to volunteer with Kinston Teens - we have opportunities for all ages! Additionally, you can check out our local United Way or look up nonprofits and grassroots community organizations to find other opportunities.


Attending Local Government Meeting

While national elections get all of the attention, a lot of the decisions that affect your everyday life are being made in town halls and school board offices right down the road. Consider attending your local government meetings to get a firsthand glimpse at what your local leaders are making decisions on, and make your voice heard during the public comment hearings.

Kinston City Council - the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30PM, the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM. For more information, visit www.kinstonnc.gov.

Lenoir County Board of Commissioners - the first Monday of each month at 9:00AM, the third Monday of each month at 4:00PM. For more information, visit www.lenoircountync.gov.

Lenoir County Board of Education - the first Monday of each month of 6:00PM. For more information, visit www.lcpsnc.org.


Registering to Vote for the Next Election

This election stressed the importance of registering to vote - and the fact that YOUR VOTE COUNTS! Don't wait until the last minute to register to vote for the next election! We have elections EVERY YEAR — municipal elections in Kinston, Grifton, La Grange and Pink Hill during odd-numbered years, and county, state and federal races during even-numbered years. Get ready by visiting ncvoter.org and learning how to register to vote!


Hold Elected Officials Accountable

If there are issues in your community, speak up about them! Your local officials may not know about a problem you're facing if you don't make it known. Once you do, hold them accountable until you see change. This can include attending public meetings to make your voice heard, writing letters and emails regarding specific issues, or organizing a protest or event to raise awareness.


Know The Facts

Do not rely on hear-say and social media outlets for your news! Do your research on topics that interest you so that you can be an informed participant in any conversation! Base your information on fact and not feeling.